Sopuurfect Why cats like catnip

Cat Behaviour 101: Why Cats Like Catnip

Ever wondered why your cat likes catnip? Read on to find out now

Catnip is an herb that belongs to the mint family. Many cats look like they have gone crazy or drugged when they use catnip because they respond to an active ingredient found in it called Nepetalacton. This ingredient is the reason why cats like catnip because it creates a sense of excessive happiness. This chemical makes cats react this way because of an organ found in the cat’s body which is activated by Nepetalacton ingredient. The organ that is affected by the chemical controls all the five organs found in a cat. When catnip leaves are pounded, they release Nepetalacton that most cats react to it differently. Some may act as if they care less but others may go crazy and start jumping around.

Most cats react to catnip by;

  • Rolling.
  • Flipping.
  • Rubbing.
  • Zoning out.
  • Become Hyperactive.
  • Run around.
  • Some become very aggressive especially when approached. They feel like they need to protect their toys in this state.

As they react as mentioned above, the cats also meow and growl. The most powerful catnip experience that a cat can have is when it smells the herb and totally goes crazy. However, there is no explanation as to why some cats may react this way because catnip is known to trigger happiness and boost the working of the brain.

Usually after the cat has taken in catnip; the tantrums last about ten minutes before the cat loosens up but it might take up to two hours for him to become reorganized again. However, not all cats respond to catnip, only fifty per cent of cats have been proved to respond to catnip because the reaction is an inherited feeling.

Reaction to catnip is first seen in a cat aged between three to six months. If cats are overdosed with catnip, they can get sick because excessive eating of fresh catnip causes them to vomit and have diarrhea. Cats usually sense when they have had enough of the herb and even though catnip is considered harmless to the cat, if given in excessive amounts, might cause your cat to be unwell.

Other uses of catnip

Catnip is known to be used in training cats to use toys because of how strongly cats react when they take it. This is mostly for indoors cats and it is usually done by sprinkling the herb on a piece of cloth and then putting the toys on the cloth and tying a knot.

However, cats prefer the herb of catnip while fresh and dry than the catnip sprays because they do not contain enough Nepetalacton. Catnip also aids in preventing cats from clawing on furniture. If your cat has a habit of clawing on furniture, all you have to do is rub some of the herb on the place you will prefer it to claw apart from the furniture, e. g the cat’s cushion or bed.

Catnip is not an addictive drug no matter how much you give to your cat over time. However, do not forget that too much of something is poison. Older cats and kittens under three months do not respond to catnip.

Are all your catnip questions answered? If not, what else do you want to know?


Meow for now … Kristian Taylor


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