Caturday Art Blog Hop: Frosty’s Close Up

Hi everyone, this week we are back with another ‘big cat’ for our Caturday Art contribution.

This came about because Frosty has been missing the sun. In Australia, we are in the last few weeks of winter and the weather has been cold. Since, mum is living in Orange – the weather there has been cold and miserable and the sun hasn’t been out much.

Luckily, during the week there were some really sunny days where Frosty was able to get some special sun baking in and get her much needed sun fix.

What came out of that, is this great photo of her reaching for the sun, just like a flower.

After some digital art creation that has been done, this is what our Caturday Artwork looks like.

SoPurrfect Caturday Art Blog Hop Frosty's Close Up

What do you think?



Visit more artsy kitties at Athena’s Caturday Art blog hop!

Meow for now… Kristian


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